Châteauneuf-Du-Pape Les Clefs d’Or
The clefs d’Or domain is situated next to the famous pontifical castle, with its 20 hectares of old vines, principally in hillsides, on specific ground of pebble.
This nice property produce since six generations Vintage Wines from the thirteen grape varieties authorized in the appellation Chateauneuf Du pape.
Deydier’s family like to conciliate Tradition and Modernity, to conciliate elegance and powerful’s aromas.
Since some years, Laurence and Jean François tookback the winery and rethought the vineyard, in specific plots to improve the vinification methods, rethought the vineyard management to respect the soil and the environment.
As a consequence, after having started an Agriculture Raisonnée way with « TERRAVITIS », in the concerned by the respect and the protection of the environment, they have chosen to harvest in small case in order to do not spoil the grapes and preserve the whole tasting qualities to make Vintage Wines.
They have chosen to start to separate the specifics plots to improve the vinification, depending of the soil, the grape variety, and the age of the vineyard which a part is more than centenary. The « Les Clefs d’Or » domain own a small property on the Côtes du Rhône Villages « Massif d’Uchaux » appellation, producing with the same philosophy and strictness of quality, a wine which will give you a real pleasure.
Les clefs d’or
24 Avenue Saint Joseph – BP 42
84230 Châteauneuf du pape – France
Tél +33 (0)4 90 83 71 74 Fax +33 (0)4 90 83 50 57 Mobile +33 (0)6 11 45 43 75
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