Languedoc Roussillon - The French Tour Co. - Stand n°19


The French Tour Co specialises in wine tours in the South of France and has recently been appointed by several French Châteaux to market their prestigious wines in Ireland. The French Tour Co is co-directed by Irish sisters Karen and Suzanne O’Reilly who between them have spent almost 20 years living and working in France. The O’Reillys currently reside in the Roussillon region where The French Tour Co is based.

Due to the nature of their business and all round habitation on French soil the O’Reillys are well qualified to choose and present the best wines of the Roussillon. During the many wine tours that the girls have hosted they discovered a diverse range of unique and top quality wines at some less well known vineyards often described as hidden treasures. Invariably visitors would request where they could purchase these same wines back home in Ireland, the answer was always, “ well, you can’t!” And so it came as a natural progression that the O’Reillys are now bringing affordable highly regarded wine from the South of France to all corners of Ireland.

The French Tour Co have hand picked a selection of their favourites which they are currently marketing in Ireland from the following Domaines:

Domaine Treloar.

Domaine Jouret et Fils.

Chateau Valmy.

Chateau Montana.

Les Vignerons d’Elne.

See for more details